Unified medical information service of the city of Moscow

Hot line
8 (495) 491-35-60

Urgent Care 103

Public Council GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM"

In accordance with the letter dated March 15, 2017 No. 21-5/10/2-1757 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of the city of Moscow announces the creation of a public council of GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM"

REGULATIONS on the Public Council of GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM"

COMPOSITION of the Public Council at GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM"

PLAN of meetings of the Public Council of GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM" for 2017

PROTOCOLS of meetings of the Public Council of GBUZ "DGP No. 94 DZM"

Make an appointment

Recording to doctors is carried out:

Through the Services and Services section on mos.ru

By calling the single center 8 (495) 539-30-00 (around the clock);

Through information rooms or the registry, during the hours of the clinic More..