Unified medical information service of the city of Moscow

Hot line
8 (495) 491-35-60

Urgent Care 103

Branch No. 3 of State Children's Party No. 94 (formerly State Children's Party No. 33)

fil 3 By order of the Department of Health dated July 5, 2012 No. 655, the City Children's Clinic No. 33 was renamed State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Children's City Polyclinic No. 94 of the Moscow Department of Healthcare" Branch No. 3

Chief doctor: Bukharina Lyubov Nikolaevna, tel. (495) 491-41-46

Head of the branch: Zaitseva Anna Anatolyevna

tel/fax (499) 192-51-60

Monday 16.00 - 19.00
Thursday 09.00 - 12.00
1st Saturday of the month 09.00 - 15.00

License No. LO-77-01-018279 of 06.24.2019.,., unlimited, issued by the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.

Date of state registration 02/14/2013.

Address: st. Demyan Poor House 18 Bldg. 1


Unified phone, call a doctor to the house and information: 8 (495) 490-49-49

On-duty administrator (926) 102-21-96

Unified dispatch center of the service of the departments of round-the-clock emergency care for children at home 103

Paid services (499) 192-51-60

Cabinet for issuing references and directions (499) 192-54-96


Blood sampling is performed on weekdays from 8.00 to 12.00

Hotline phone: 8-495-491-35-60, (499) 192-51-60
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Official website: www.94dgp.ru

Opening hours:
Workers days 8.00 - 20.00
Weekends 9.00 -15.00

Reception of calls until 14.00
Opening hours of the service for issuing inquiries and directions Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Doctor's office on weekdays Mon-Fri 8.00 - 20.00, Sat 9.00-15.00
on duty 1st Saturday of the month

Admission conditions:
The clinic operates in the system of compulsory medical insurance (MHI), and also provides paid medical services.
Children of the district are accepted Khoroshevo-Mnevniki under the age of 18, residents of the Moscow Region and citizens of the Russian Federation are also accepted with a medical policy and passport.

Attachment to the clinic and preferential provision.
To attach to the clinic or register the preferential category of citizens, you need to contact the registry. You must have the following documents with you:

For registration of a preferential category of citizens

For attaching to the clinic

1. Passport
2. MHI medical insurance policy
3. Document on benefits (disability, certificate of a large family)
5. Birth certificate
6. Certificate of registration (form 8)

When a citizen makes a personal appeal to a medical organization, it is not required to provide a certificate from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia on receiving EDV.

1. Passport of one of the parents

2. MHI medical insurance policy

3. Birth certificate

List of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies and pharmacy points),


No. and name of the medical organization where the pharmacy is located

Location of the pharmacy located in a medical organization


Moscow State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 115 of the Moscow City Health Department"

123308 Moscow, st. Demyan Poor, d. 8.


Branch No. 2 of the Moscow State budgetary health care institution “City Polyclinic No. 115 of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow” - City Polyclinic No. 128

123103 Moscow, Marshal Zhukov Ave., 64., Bldg. 2.


Branch No. 3 of the State budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow "CityPolyclinic No. 115 of the Moscow City Health Department ”- City Polyclinic No. 139

125362 Moscow, st. Dolgova, 1,
bldg. 4.


Branch No. 3 of the State budgetary health institution of the city of Moscow "City Polyclinic No. 219 of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow"

125481 Moscow, st. Glider, 8. 8.

Milk distribution center:
125308, Marshal Zhukov Ave., 17,

tel. (499) 191-00-48
Opening hours of the milk distribution point: daily from 6.30 to 12.00

Our clinic has an office for issuing certificates and referrals. Make an appointment, if your child is healthy, you need to apply for:
1. A medical card when a child enters a preschool or school institution.
2. Referral to laboratory tests and to second-level specialists if there is evidence in the outpatient card.
3. The recipe for free food on the MCI.
4. The spa card.
5. Any information (for example, information to the swimming pool, sports sections, summer health camps, a certificate of contacts, a certificate to preschool or school after the holidays)

6. Inspection before planned hospitalization or before vaccination.
The office for issuing certificates and referrals works from 8-00 to 20-00.
Now there is no need to sit in a queue for a long time to the district pediatrician!
To get all the certificates contact the office issuing certificates and directions

In our clinic the office of the doctor on duty works. Appointments can be made in the following cases:
1. If you need emergency or emergency assistance.
2. If there are no free intervals for an appointment with your local pediatrician.
3. If you have the right for extraordinary services in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.
4. If your child was discharged from a medical organization providing inpatient medical care.

The doctor’s office is open from 8-00 to 20-00.

Calling a doctor at home

Calls to the doctor are accepted by the administrators of the information and information department, from Monday to Friday - from 08.00 to 14.00, on Saturdays, weekends and holidays - from 09.00 to 14.00.

As soon as you connect with the administrator by phone or go directly to him, having come to the clinic, you need to answer a few questions, he will write them down and pass this information to the local doctor to the pediatrician:
1. Address to which you call a doctor’s home.
2. Your child’s insurance policy number.
3. Name of the insurance company that issued the insurance policy.
4. Your child’s last name, first name, and patronymic.
5. Date of birth.
6. Address (street, building or structure, house, apartment, staircase, floor, entrance code).
7. Your con active telephone (home or mobile).
8. Kindergarten number and group or school and class.
9. Reason for calling the doctor at home, body temperature of the child.
After the call has been accepted , the administrator will indicate the time interval during which you can expect a doctor’s arrival.
In cases where your young child and he has a sudden rise in temperature to high numbers, the medical registrar will tell you an emergency phone number for which you can urgently call a doctor who will provide your child with all appropriate medical assistance, will leave recommendations for treatment and follow-up.
According to his schedule, the local pediatrician doctor will visit your child at home at a certain time, establish a diagnosis, give recommendations, draw up all the necessary medical documents: write prescriptions for prescribed medications, draws up a certificate of incapacity for work, according to indications, leaves an active call the next day or calls an ambulance team if you need to hospitalize a child in a hospital.

Appointment with doctors is carried out:
1. Through the Services and Services section on mos.ru (round-the-clock)
2. On the city-wide centralized telephone number 8-495-539-30-00 (round-the-clock)
3. Through information, during business hours polyclinics
4. Through the registry, during the hours of the clinic
5. Using mobile applications

The following specialists are available for self-recording:
• pediatrician
• pediatrician, district doctor
• ophthalmologist
• surgeon
• otorhinolaryngologist
• obstetrician-gynecologist

Reception by other specialists is carried out in the areas of pediatricians, on-call pediatricians, as well as other doctorsspecialist specialist.
Self-registration is carried out for scheduled admission, the waiting time for admission of a specialist is no more than 7 days.
In case of emergency, as well as reception of privileged categories of the population (children with disabilities, children from large families) ) the entry is made according to emergency coupons issued by the doctor on duty at the clinic on the day of treatment.

Head institution
City Children's Clinic No. 94


  • ophthalmologist
  • neurologist
  • orthopedic traumatologist
  • otolaryngologist
  • pediatricians
  • physiotherapist
  • exercise therapy doctor
  • pediatric surgeon
  • urologist andrologist
  • gynecologist
  • teenage doctor
  • radiologist
  • functional diagnostics doctor
  • ultrasound doctor
  • laboratory assistant

Research and diagnostic methods:

  • radiography
  • ECG
  • EEG
  • Ultrasound
  • ophthalmology research
  • endoscopic examinations in otolaryngology
  • FVD
  • REG
  • 24-hour ECG monitoring (Holter study)
  • ECHO - KG
  • USDG

Offices and offices:

  • cabinet for issuing inquiries and referrals
  • doctor’s office
  • pediatric ward
  • cabinet of a healthy child
  • vaccination room
  • treatment room
  • clinical laboratory
  • cabinet of functional diagnostics (ECG, ECHO-KG, EEG, PD, SMAD, Holter monitoring)
  • X-ray diagnostics room
  • ultrasound room
  • physiotherapy department
  • exercise therapy room
  • massage therapy room
  • prevention department
  • otolaryngologist’s office
  • children's ophthalmologist’s office
  • cabinet of hardware ophthalmologic treatment
  • office of a surgeon, urologist andrologist
  • neurologist’s office
  • office of a pediatric orthopedic traumatologist
  • baby baths
  • pool

Make an appointment

Recording to doctors is carried out:

Through the Services and Services section on mos.ru

By calling the single center 8 (495) 539-30-00 (around the clock);

Through information rooms or the registry, during the hours of the clinic More..